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Keep Me: A BDSM Romance Page 3
Keep Me: A BDSM Romance Read online
Page 3
He laughs, a rumble deep in his large chest. “Oh, you enjoyed it. I could tell.”
“You could at least have finished the job.” I find my dress and slip it back on. If he’s not going to fulfill his part of the deal, the show’s over.
“Think of it as a warmup.”
“Huh? A warm—”
“Caleb, that was wonderful!” A slightly heavyset woman approaches us, beaming with enthusiasm. Her round face is framed by a halo of curly blonde hair that seems nigh uncontrollable. “I’ve already gotten four more signups for the retreat.” That has to be Susan.
“Make that five.” A new voice breaks in and we all turn to find its owner. Dressed in a black silk shirt, black jeans and expensive-looking shoes, the man approaches with confident strides. “That was a captivating demo, Master Caleb. I’m very impressed.”
“Thank you. And you are?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Mason.” He puts out a hand, which Caleb shakes. “I can’t wait to see what you have planned for the retreat.” His dark brown eyes find me, pinning me in place. Holy crap, that guy’s got intensity. “And your lovely assistant did an excellent job as well. Please tell me she’s coming too. You two work so wonderfully together.” He talks to Caleb but his eyes never leave me, like a predator stalking its prey.
“Oh yes! She should. You two are dynamite.” Susan turns to me. “I’m sorry, I’m being rude. I’m Susan Deangelo. What’s your name, dear?”
“Uh, Vivian.” This is all getting to be a bit much at once, between surprise slavery, retreat signups and intense admirers. And I thought this was going to be a normal day.
“Pleased to meet you, Vivian. I’m organizing the weekend retreat. You are coming, I hope. You and Caleb work so well together.”
“Um... I don’t know.” What’s my schedule again? And why am I actually considering this? “Actually, I think I have to work that weekend. New job, you know. I can’t miss days so early. I think Caleb will have to find someone else.”
Her face falls, but only briefly. She doesn’t strike me as a woman who dwells on disappointment for very long. “That’s too bad, dear. Hopefully you’ll do more demos here in the club, at least. You two look so good together.” Then she winks at me. What the hell? Does she really think we’re—.
Caleb clears his throat. “No worries. I’ll find someone to help me. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” He makes as if to leave, sounding as embarrassed about the attention as I feel.
Mason’s still focused on me. “What are your plans for the evening? I’d love to get to know you better after that performance.”
Caleb pauses at his words.
I laugh. “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?” To be honest, I’m not sure whether to be flattered or a little creeped out. He’s really handsome, though. Regular face, deep brown eyes, nicely styled black hair. Maybe he dyes it. He does seem to have a thing for black. I suppose I can’t say much with my bright red.
“I like to be direct. In control.” His voice carries an air of command, like he’s used to being obeyed or at least wants me to think he is.
I glance at Caleb. Whoa. That’s his bouncer face, and a stern one at that. Does he know something about this guy that I don’t? Mason’s pretty pushy, but he doesn’t seem that bad to me.
I turn to my surprise suitor. His eyes are so intense, it’s hard to meet them. Like you’re in a neverending staredown. I try. “Thank you, but I need to get to bed early tonight. I have to cater at a conference in the morning.” I hop down from the little stage to get closer to Caleb. “I hope you have a good time at the retreat, though.”
His smile doesn’t falter, but his look changes somehow. “Thank you. I’m sure I will. Maybe I’ll see you around here sometime.”
“Yeah. Maybe.” I turn to Susan. “It was nice to meet you. Good luck with your arrangement.” And then I’m out of there, hot on Caleb’s heels. As soon as we’re out of sight, I tap his arm. “Hey, who is that guy? You don’t seem to like him.”
He stops, looking past me like he expects we’re being followed or something. “Never met him before. Or seen him. Something about him rubs me wrong, though.”
I grin. “Sure you’re not... jealous? He did seem pretty interested in your lovely assistant, after all.”
His face softens as he looks down at me. “If only he knew how difficult she could be.”
“Hey!” I whack him in one on the arm. It’s like hitting steel.
“Alright, I’ve got to work. Sorry about cutting things short. Next time?”
I pout. “No aftercare, even?” His face falls, and I feel bad. I was mostly joking. Mostly. I put on a smile. “It’s alright. I know you have to work. It was just building up so nicely.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” He smiles apologetically. “I’m sorry, Viv. Next time I’ll set off time to do it right. That’s my fault.”
Next time. The more I think about it, the more I like the sound of it. He’s just turning to go when I stop him again. “Wait, didn’t you say that this was paid?” I hate asking stuff like that, but I do need the money.
“Oh right. Yeah, demo assistants get a fee. Eighty bucks an hour. Figured that might be better than the rates they pay you at the caterer.”
I blink. Yeah, that’s a bit more. “Wow. I take it you don’t have full time positions?”
He laughs. “Afraid not. They’re usually one-offs like this one. I’ll keep you in mind for more, though.” He shrugs, his massive shoulders shifting. “What are friends for, right? I’ll get the paperwork done tomorrow. Anyway, I have to get going. See ya.” He throws me a quick grin before he puts on the bouncer face. “Time to go be a tough guy.”
“You know you love it.”
“Oh, totally.” He turns and walks off, probably to find his work clothes. His broad naked back looks good, corded muscles writhing under his skin as he walks. I’ve never had quite so much of an appreciation for his hard ass as I do now. Then again, I’ve never seen it tightly outlined by tight leather pants either.
Friends. After that session, I have to admit some things that go well beyond plain old friendship are occurring to me. With Gabriel’s best friend, though? Might be more trouble than it’s worth. Oh well, I need to get home. The conference tomorrow wasn’t an excuse, and Diane will flip her shit if I’m late.
Eighty bucks, though! Hopefully, Caleb will find more assignments for me. For now, I have a date with a hot bath, and then my vibrator. There are limits to how much frustration a girl can take.
Chapter 3
“So. You and Viv, huh?” Gabe eyes me over his beer, his expression amused but cautious.
For once I’m the one on the spot, and I sure don’t like it. I’m supposed to be the guy with advice around here. I reply with my usual eloquence. “Fuck off, Gabe.”
He laughs. “Hey, listen, she’s a nice girl. Not what I needed, but maybe she works for you. I dunno. Just do me a favor and take it slow. She’s a little unreliable, you know what I mean?”
“She just needs a little direction. Guidance.” I sip my beer and sigh. “But no clue, really. It’s not like we’re together. We had one good scene. And she tries real hard, you know?”
“Hey, it’s how Dawn and I got together. Not knocking it.” His skepticism is obvious.
“But you don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Take it from a guy who was with Viv for almost two years. When she’s good, she’s great. But then she leaves you suddenly, for no good reason, and not even a damn phone call.” He slams his hand on the bar counter. “And when she comes back, she tries to break up your relationship with your future wife. Not cool.”
“I don’t think you guys have any clue how much she regrets that last bit.” Gabe’s a standup guy, but his attitude makes me want to defend her. He’s not even saying anything but the truth, but there it is.
“Whatever. It worked out. I don’t spare it much thought anymore.”
“Don’t go all zen master on me, making me doubt my own words. You’re going to drive me to beating my wife.”
I laugh. “She’d only enjoy it. When are you going to beat that sassiness out of her?”
“Hopefully never.”
We clink our glasses.
“You’re a lucky man, Gabe. Don’t forget that. I don’t want to have to come kick your ass.”
“Don’t I know it.”
“When’s your flight tomorrow?”
He rolls his eyes. “Eight fucking A.M. Inhuman, I tell you.”
“Yeah, well, I’m sure you’ll suffer greatly in the Bahamas trying to get over it. Crying into your bucket sized margaritas or whatever they drink down there.” Have to admit I’m a little jealous.
He laughs at my tone. “Aw, come on, big guy. Lighten up.” His mischievous grin is one of the things Dawn says she likes about him, but right now it’s just a little grating. “You have girls falling over themselves trying to get into your bed, with your tough guy attitude and muscles with muscles. With muscles. Find a cute one and take her on a trip. Have some fun. There’s more to life than guarding the door.”
“Yeah, it’s all about the groupies,” I say sarcastically, snorting and shaking my head. “Nah, one-night stands aren’t for me. Not going to waste my time on something that won’t last. I’m the turtle. Slow and steady.”
“Deep words, but you can’t win the race if you don’t even enter.”
I roll my eyes. “Now who’s getting all zen master. Doesn’t suit you.”
Gabe just laughs. “So, about Viv...” His grin’s back, and it makes me want to punch him. In a friendly, best buddy sort of way of course. Right in the face.
“Telling you, there’s nothing there. We just get along, you know?”
“Right, and have scenes hot enough that I heard about it all night from the regular subs you passed over for the job. Maybe you shouldn’t dismiss the idea so quickly.” He takes a sip and thinks for a moment. “I don’t know, man. We ended up like oil and water, but maybe you’ve got what she needs.”
What the fuck. When did we end up back in high school? Maybe she likes me, maybe she doesn’t, maybe she does. On and on. “We’ll see.”
“Go for it if you want to, but be careful. She’s got a history and we have no idea what she was up to while she was gone. Not to mention that she gave up all this!” He gestures at himself and looks at me like he expects me to laugh.
Not giving him the pleasure. “Whatever. Let’s put it this way. I’ll keep using her for demos, and if something happens, then it does. If not, it’s all good.” I shrug. Getting sick of this conversation.
“You know, from anyone else, I’d accept that. From you? I can tell she’s getting under your skin. If your tough guy ass even comes close to admitting something might happen, it’s serious.” He shakes his head and finishes his beer. “Good luck, man. You’re going to need it.”
Chapter 4
“I’m still not sure how you talked me into this.”
“Stop being such a baby. Or are those muscles all airbrushed on?”
Who’d have thought Caleb was a whiner?
I’m finally moving into an apartment. My own place! He should be happy. I know my soon to be ex-roommate is. Amber’s getting her place to herself again. Now she and Eric can play all the tie-up games they want without me having to find someplace to go. She said I could stay as long as I wanted, but we both know it’s starting to get a little awkward.
Finding a place I like for a price I can afford is like a miracle. It’s not huge, but it’ll be mine, and that’s worth dealing with a little less space for.
For someone with no fixed address, it turns out I have a ton of boxes, and some are really heavy. I’m glad Caleb’s here, even if I kind of strong armed him into it. Well, guilt tripped, anyway. I did promise beer and pizza afterwards, though.
I throw the last box into the back of the rental van. “Looks like that’s it. Ready to go?”
He inspects the stacks before nodding and slamming the back door. “Yeah, looks good.”
We meet at the driver’s side door, both of us reaching for the handle. I look up at him. “I figured I’d drive. I rented the damn thing, after all.”
“Get in the passenger seat.”
“What? You don’t think I can drive a van? My dad’s a mechanic. I bet I’ve driven more than you.”
He grabs the door handle. “Don’t care. Call it control issues. Get in the passenger seat.”
“Yes, Master.” I assume he catches the sarcasm, since my response is dripping with it.
He barks a laugh. “Don’t make me punish you afterwards.”
“You’d like that too much.” I sigh and come around to the other side. The door sticks for a second before I get it. Piece of crap moving van.
He watches me buckle in. “And so would you. Did you give the retreat any more thought?” Putting the van in gear, he pulls out. The trek to my new place has begun! It’s not far, but it feels special.
“I told you, I have to work that weekend.”
“Can’t you switch a shift with someone? You’ll get regular demo rates for our sessions there. Bet Diane, or whatever her name is, can’t match that.”
I consider it again, if only for a moment. To be honest, it sounds pretty good, but I promised I’d work. Why I keep doing this woman favors when all she does is chew me out, I have no idea. But there you go. I like to serve, as Caleb says. “Sorry. I promised.”
He rolls his eyes. “Alright, but you’re missing out. Just saying.”
“Yeah, yeah. Are we there yet?”
“Hey, listen young lady. None of that, or by God, I will turn this thing around.”
“Listen, if you didn’t drive like an old lady...”
“You will pay for that.” His voice is a cold, hard threat. Or promise. All I know is that I melt a little whenever he uses that voice. Our session at the club was frustratingly incomplete, but up until that point? It was fucking awesome.
When we pull up in front of the apartment building, it’s just starting to rain. Perfect. I sigh. Wish I could remember where I packed my rain coat. We’ll just have to be quick.
I dart up to the door and look over the little tags. There. Anthony. I’m actually not sure whether it’s his first or last name. It would seem odd to have his first name on the door, but my new landlord’s a bit odd anyway. Maybe it’s both? I giggle at the thought of someone named Anthony Anthony, then push the bell. Caleb looks like he thinks I’m a nut.
I have to ring twice before the door buzzes open. The automatic lock clicks, but the damn thing’s stuck. I yank on it three times and get nowhere, before Caleb grabs the handle in a solid fist and tears the door open with a grinding noise. “Needs oil, at a minimum.”
I nod. How am I going to get that open when Caleb isn’t here to help me? Hopefully it’ll be repaired soon. I can’t call him over every time I need to get inside
One of my boxes is perfect for keeping the door in place, and luckily there’s at least a bit of an awning, so it doesn’t get drenched in the process.
“Hey, you ready to move in then?” Anthony, or Tony Tony as he’ll forever be in my mind, stands in the doorway, scratching his balding head, wearing ratty jeans and a wife beater undershirt that’s stretched over his beer belly. He couldn’t look more like a slumlord if he tried.
“Yeah! Hi. I was told you’d have my keys.”
“Sure.” He digs around in his pocket and pulls out a key ring. “Here you go. You remember which unit it is?”
“Of course. Thanks. All set, then?”
“Yeah, sure. Got your paperwork filed, rent’s due first of the month. Just slide a check under my door before then.” He glances past us at the moving van. “Don’t let me hold you up.” And with that, he turns and shuffles down the hall.
Right. Time to move in.
It doesn’t take long. With two people, the stacks of boxes go quic
kly, and I’m so excited I literally run up and down the stairs. In short order, I have a big stack of cardboard boxes in the middle of my living room, along with an old couch that Amber hadn’t needed anymore, and a brand new bed I’d splurged on. I’ll need more furniture, but that can come a little at a time.
I’m so excited. A place. That’s my own. Finally!
Caleb’s examining a window. “How much is he paying you to live here?”
I blink. “What? What do you mean?”
“Because the draft through here is ridiculous. Look here.” He points. “There’s almost an inch of open space between the wall and the window frame. Not so bad now during summer, but when winter comes? This is going to be fucking cold.
“I’ll talk to Tony Tony about it. I’m sure that can be fixed.”
“To who?”
“Sorry, Anthony. The guy downstairs. Is it really that bad?”
He gives me a stony look. “I can stick my finger through it. That’s pretty bad. Didn’t you inspect this place before signing?”
“I looked around, but I’ve never been very good at sweating the details.” I can’t notice everything. The important part is that it’s mine, not that it’s perfect.
He rolls his eyes. “You won’t be sweating in January. I can tell you that much. Let’s take a look around.”
Man, he’s thorough. I’ve never had the patience for this stuff, but he goes over every seam, every window, everything. After almost an hour, he slams shut the electrical cabinet and faces me. He’s wearing his bouncer face.
“This place should be condemned. Or at least not rented out until they do some proper repairs.” He gestures around as he lists the problems. “There’s exposed wiring in the electrical cabinet, and at least three sockets don’t even work. It’s like someone made an effort to install these windows crooked. If you’re paying your own electrical, your heating bill will be huge, assuming the electrical system doesn’t just catch on fire. Can you cancel the contract?”
“Cancel? No way! I’m not going back to Amber’s just because of a few issues.” It can’t be that bad, can it?